Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dirt track racing... worth watching

This multi-week, multi-race concept traversing through different towns at a different track night after night is more than a commitment for the racers. The idea was of chassis builders Keith and Tader Masters and North Carolina racer Ray Cook.

The Southern Nationals are all after it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Car that runs on hot air

Motor Development International’s Air Pod- The compressed Ait-Car is going commercial:-

The 2010 MDI AirPod arrives:

MDI's Guy Negre shows off the

Road -Testing:

Compressed Air-engine:

AirPod to Palace Maseena

With AirPod, it is a real breath of fresh air in your cities. So enjoy the prelude to travel without pollution.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What kind of car do you have

White 2005 Honda Oddyssey-its a real nice car with tv inside and lether seats and opening roof,fog lights etc.

Front View: It's talks about my class

Back seat view: Perfect for a sound sleep

This is my "The Hero"

Now its your turn! Show me your favorite Car. You may have a picture of it like mine.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The most expected cars of 2011

The most anticipated 2011 cars for you to check out:

2011 Car No. 1: Audi A8:

2011 Car No. 2: Chevrolet Volt:

2011 Car No. 3: Ford Fiesta:

2011 Car No. 4: Nissan LEAF: